Judge, 22nd Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards.
Writers Digest Self Publishing Competition
To me Today at 1:57 PM
22nd Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards
Entry Title Immortal Clash
Author: James McNally
Judge Number: 15
Entry Category: Genre Fiction
Books are evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning “needs improvement” and 5 meaning “outstanding”. This scale is strictly to provide a point of reference, it is not a cumulative score and does not reflect ranking.
Structure, Organization, and Pacing: 5
Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar: 5
Production Quality and Cover Design: 5
Plot and Story Appeal: 5
Character Appeal and Development: 5
Voice and Writing Style: 5
Judge’s Commentary*:
IMMORTAL CLASH, a novel by James McNally, is a suspenseful story that is sure to appeal to fans of the popular Twilight series.
I really like the cover. The colors are vivid and striking. The back cover copy draws the potential reader in. I think the author will find his audience thanks to this well-written cover copy. It may just be me, but I'm a little confused by the naming of two books. This is supposed to be a trilogy. What is the name of Book 1?
I admit I'm not very familiar with vampire literature, but I believe the author portrays vampires and werewolves accurately according to myth and legend. The characters are ones readers can relate to. I think young adults will enjoy the story. As I read, I could feel my body tense along with the characters' in suspenseful and unsure situations. The author does a fine job conveying feeling and emotion. Interesting descriptions, for example, describing the bun on page 131.
Overall, an excellent story in a popular genre, one I think will make a strong showing among its competition. Though the story continues, the author still provides a satisfying read with this installment. Good job.